Human Design: Basic and Advanced Practice with Your Type
- May 22, 2023
- Posted by: Plant Prana Calendar
- Category: Human Design
Work your Human Design Type with Essential Oils:
Ready to delve deeper into connecting with your Human Type, here is the practice for you.
Step 1:
Reflect Reflection: Establish your baseline. Reflect on your Type. Notice what you feel in your body. What arises? What would you like to feel in relation to your Type? Take a few notes. Write down an intention.
Step 2:
Choose Your Oil Choose one of the following single oils or blends associated with your Type: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector. We have both 5ml and 5ml Therapeutic Rollerballs available.
Step 3:
Application • Sustained inhalation for three to fifteen breathing cycles ○ Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Take your time. Be with the oil. • Focus on the area between the eyebrows. ○ Continue the sustained inhalation for three to fifteen cycles as you focus on your third-eye area.
Step 4:
Pause and Notice Be still. What do you notice? Are there shifts in your Awareness? Repeat the cycle of inhaling the oil on its own and then shifting your focus to the point between the eyebrows. Take your time. What do you notice? Check in with yourself. What are you aware of now? What do you feel in your body? When you think of your Type, has there been a shift? Do you feel a different relationship to your intention/desire than when we first began? Journal your experience.
ADVANCED Protocols For Aligning With Your Type Using Essential Oils
Gather Your Oils: Assemblage Point, Type, Etheric Cords
• The goal here is to shift from previous points of perception.
• Facilitates a deeper evolution of your Type into your everyday behavior
• Increases the flexibility of the mind and your ability to shift
• Facilitates a greater ability to “break” patterns of suffering
• Significantly increases the evolutionary process to facilitate better understanding and for you to learn the lesson of any given situation
Step 1:
Choose the Single Oil or Blend for the Assemblage Point : we have Assemblage Point available in 5ml, 10ml Therapeutic Rollerball, 5ml Therapeutic Rollerball, and 2ml Therapeutic Rollerball
Single Oils: Taiwanese Cedar, Siberian Fir Premium (CO2), Saffron
Blend: Assemblage Point Ingredients: Sitka, Cistus, Frankincense Oman, Myrrh, Taiwanese Cedar, Galbanum, Aloes, Poplar Balsam, Blue Mountain Sage
Step 2:
• Sustained inhalation for three to fifteen breathing cycles ○ Begin by inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth for three to fifteen breathing cycles while you focus on the oil. Notice how you feel. The sensory part of your mind is reacting to things in your body and in your environment. We hold things in our body that we’re not aware of. These affect our thought processes, our mind, and things in our environment. As we become aware of our body, we expand our Light.
• Brain ○ Now shift your focus to the brain as you breathe in the oil for three to fifteen breathing cycles. Continue with each area of the body listed. ○ As you do this, rest in the present moment. Let the essential oils work with you. We are sending a message with the oils. We’re not trying to fix anything or make anything go away. We’re not trying to resolve anything. We’re sitting with our experience. We’re unwinding automatic reactions that happen in our physiology and in our mind. We’re training our mind to be nonreactive, to be aware. ○ Anytime you want to bring in more Light, you have to be nonreactive to the stimulation. As Light comes in, you’re going to hit those spots that don’t have Light. As soon as you react, the Light stops. Don’t think about this too much. Just do the practice and let your direct experience show you.
• Continue breathing in the Assemblage Point oil as you focus on the following areas one at a time: ○ Cervical Spine ○ Upper Spine ○ Mid Spine ○ Lower Spine
Step 3:
Pause and Notice Close your eyes. Pause, be still. Just let go. Let everything incubate. Reflect on your experience. What are you aware of? Do you notice a shift? Take your time. Repeat this pattern if you would like to deepen your experience. When you are ready go to Step 2.
• This aspect helps you better align your Type with your emotions and cognitive functions.
• Facilitates a deeper integration of your feelings and thoughts
• Shifts a person from simply wanting experiences to having experiences and cultivating cognitive mastery
• As a person shifts to cultivating cognitive mastery, there is a diminishing of the conditioning that happens, which draws us into our lesser selves.
• As this conditioning diminishes, a person can begin to integrate deeper levels of their True Nature into their everyday life.
Step 1:
Choose the Oil for Your Type Blend or Single Oil
Step 2:
Application • Sustained inhalation for three to fifteen breathing cycles ○ Again, inhale for three to fifteen breathing cycles as you take in the essential oil. Then shift your focus one by one to each of the areas below. Breathing in the oil for three to fifteen cycles for each area. Be curious. Activate your witness. ○ Area between the eyebrows ○ Throat area ○ Upper back area
Step 3:
Pause and Notice Close your eyes. Pause, be still. Let go. Notice the effect of the plant prana on your system. What are you aware of? Repeat this process if you are called to deepen the experience. When you are ready go to
• Integration of your Type into your emotional and mental makeup
• Shifts you from externally processing through conflict and adversity to internally integrating and harmonizing
• Increases ability to synthesize various aspects of the personality and your Type to a more unified sense of self
• Diminishes repetitive patterns in your psyche that cause suffering and cultivates spontaneity, which better facilitates your higher nature
Step 1:
Choose the Oil for Your Type Blend or Single Oil
Step 2:
• Breathing Protocol: ○ Do the following steps eight or nine times:
▪︎ Inhale the essential oil through your nose.
▪︎ Hold your breath and then you raise your chin upward.
▪︎ With your chin up, exhale through your mouth.
▪︎ Hold your breath and then you lower your chin to your chest.
▪︎ Repeat the above process eight or nine times then be still with Awareness on your temples.
Step 3:
Pause and Notice Take your time to notice what you feel. Rest for a moment. Reflect. What are you aware of? Take notes. If you are called, you can repeat this process. Each time will take you deeper. When you’re ready go to
Connections is in reference to etheric cords, which is our energetic connection between you and other people, events, and memories. These connections affect our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors on an unconscious level whether we are aware of them or not. When you recall a memory and have an emotional response you are experiencing the effects of these connections or cords. The use of this oil blend helps to reduce the stagnant and influential energy from these connections to break free of the past and patterns from the past.
Step 1:
Choose Your Oil Single Oil: Ironbark Eucalyptus Blend: Etheric Cords Ingredients: Ironbark Eucalyptus, Palo Santo, Rue, Milfoil, Galbanum, Marjoram, Mugwort
Step 2:
Reflect Reflect on people in your life one at a time while you inhale the essential oil for three to fifteen breathing cycles. Notice what arises. What happens in your body? What are you aware of?
Step 3:
• Sustained inhalation for three to fifteen breathing cycles ○ Leave behind thoughts of people and simply focus on the oil. Put the oil aside for a moment. • Reflect on a person ○ Choose one person to reflect on. Reflect on them without inhaling the oil. What do you notice?
• Then inhale for three to fifteen breathing cycles. ○ Pause. Be still. What do you notice? Did anything shift?
• Reflect on an event ○ Put the oil aside for a moment as you reflect on an event. It could be a traumatic event or a simple disagreement. What arises?
• Inhale for three to fifteen breathing cycles as you think of the event. ○ Sit and be present with it. Are you able to not judge it or manage it? Can you just experience it in the here and now?
Step 4:
Pause and Notice When you are ready, pause. Stop. Be still. Let go of that thought. Reflect on your experience. What did you notice? Was there a shift in your perception? Check in with yourself. What are you aware of now? What do you feel in your body? When you think of your Type? Has there been a shift? Do you feel a different relationship to your intention/desire than when we first began? Journal your experience. You have completed the Advanced Protocol for Type. Come back to it when you are ready. Each time you will find new terrain. Each time you will expand your Awareness.
For more details about working with Human Design and Essential Oils check out the book. Click Here
Winn, Robin; Toews, Greg. Human Design and Essential Oils: The Facilitator’s Guide to Using Plant Prana to Align with Your Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile, and Centers (pp. 135-145). Difference Press. Kindle Edition.