The Benefits of Bacopa:
- May 22, 2023
- Posted by: Plant Prana Calendar
- Category: Properties of Oils
Muscular: tendinitis, bruising, increases oxygen to muscle tissue
Digestive: inflammation, cholesterol, reduces effects of candida, used as a potential preventive measure for ulcers
Circulatory: may help with certain types of blood pressure (expands the vessel walls due to nitric acid availability which may lower blood pressure), high cholesterol, may help prevent blood clots,
- do not use Bacopa internally if on blood pressure medication
- Studies suggest that it helps reduce abnormal cell growths known as hyperplasias
Respiratory: inflammation, irritation, mucus, bronchitis
Immunity: reduces inflammation, antioxidant, immune stimulant, may help diminish brain inflammation due to autoimmune issues, may help reduce the effects of black mold
Endocrine: hormonal regulator, fatigued adrenals, elevated cortisol levels, may be helpful regulating blood sugar
Nervous: ADD, ADHD, soothes agitation in the amygdala associated with emotional learning, rejuvenating, supports proper functions of the brain and nervous system, impacts memory, may improve cognitive functions and neurotransmitter activity, adaptogenic properties
- studies have shown the use of Bacopa has helped in cases of epilepsy
- May help reduce the onset of cognitive issues
Energetic: chakral regulator, soothes agitation in the upper chakras
Psychological: focus (when used over time), brain fog, memory, decision making, stress, anxiety, Clearing to the mind, helpful in a wide variety of psychological issues, helps to offset side effects of psychological medications through its rejuvenating properties, clarity, increases awareness, has shown to anti-depressant qualities, may impact serotonin levels, potentially helping to improve and stabilize the mood
Spiritual: gentle mindfulness, clarity, awareness, cultivates a flexible mind