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About Us

At Plant Prana our goal is to provide the highest quality teachings, and essential oils you can find.

We teach classes all over the United States, and Mexico, on a range of topics, with essential oils as a focus.

Our essential oils are the highest quality we can find period.

About Greg Toews

An early innovator in Advanced Medical Aromatherapy applications, John Gregory Toews has initiated research and development coupled with application and affects as it relates to medical syndromes, symptoms, and disorders.

Greg has studied Robert Tisserand and Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D. He holds these certifications regarding essential oils:

  • Advanced Medical Aromatherapy Certification
  • Medical Aromatherapy Certification

Extensive Research and Development

  • Charted out physiological and psychological effects of brain waves.
  • Determined different triggers and precursors to autoimmune
  • Developed multifaceted approach to post traumatic stress syndrome with Master Choa Kok Sui
  • Developed treatments for depleted adrenals, overactivity adrenals, and hyper-reactive adrenals,conditions
  • Explored energy medicine and medical aromatherapy on treatment of various chemical addictions
  •  Much more…


  • Apprenticeship with Emaho, Native American Medicine Man Trained in traditional healing through “the Fire Dance”
  • Discipleship with Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder of Pranic Healing, Manila, Philippines
  • Pranic Healing Training, U.S. Pranic Healing, Chino, CA.
  • Courses include: Pranic Healing, Level 1-5, Higher Clairvoyance, Sexual Alchemy, Kriyashakti, Pranic Feng Shui, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, Spiritual Essence of Man, Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer, Super Brain Yoga, Inner Teachings of Hinduism, Inner Teaching of Buddhism, Certified Spiritual Business Management
  • Fellowship with Indigenous of Hawaii, trained in “The Awa Ceremony”
  • Residency with Medicine Man Canopachawakan, Lakota Tribe; Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, Trained in ceremonial healing through the use of sweat lodges, pipe ceremony, sun dance and healing through plants.
  • Internship with Master Paul Rodriguez & Master Miyako Rodriguez
  • Cranial Manipulation Certification, St. John’s Neuromuscular Therapy Institute