Tea Tree Supreme 5ml
SKIN: Abscesses, acne, athlete’s foot, insect bites, cuts, wounds, infected wounds, cold sores, rashes, dandruff.
GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM: Cystitis, itching.
IMMUNE SYSTEM: Infectious diseases, colds, flus.
RESPIRATORY: Good for any respiratory issue.
NERVOUS SYSTEM: Diminishes the negative effect of the mind on the somatic nervous system.
ENERGETIC: A great cleanser, helps to decongest the aura and chakras, helps to gently flush out old emotions.
We bottle our oils to order.
Plant Prana Essential Oil Blends are unique combinations of two or more single oils. These blends have unique energetic purposes beyond the direct combination of the single oils. Depending on the purpose and method of application of the blend, it is sometimes possible to substitute an individual oil for a blend. Also know that the single oils cannot always be used as a replacement for a blend.