The Body’s Wisdom: Navigating the Body Map
- Receive an aromatherapy kit specific for this class
- Utilize the “Three Brains” to heal through the activation of the elements in the body
- Deconstruct negative thinking, feelings, and instinctual responses ( stress and pain responses) through the building of the “pillar of light”
- Transform your surroundings with the strength of the “pillar of light”
- Enhance and cultivate a deeper sense of well being, a clearer mind, and stronger inner guidance
- Accelerate the creative process and feel the flow of higher creativity
- Refine instinctual responses to generate higher levels of realization
- Rapidly reduce negative feelings including deep seated feelings while producing a deeper activation of the heart
- Cultivate self affirming thoughts while diminishing discouraging repetitive thoughts
- Diminish the building blocks for abandonment, guilt, anger, fear, worry, hatred, self doubt, shame, deep sadness, despair, feeling victimized, and feeling out of sync with the people around you and the environment
- Refine the “three brain” approach to intuition and active clairvoyance
- Increase your ability to heal and remove inner obstacles
- Purify the spine
- Emanate and attract goodness
- Learn the process used by alchemist for compounds that change your energy body to a more golden color
- Fine tune your ability to gather information from your surroundings producing higher awareness
- Generate a reflective quality that substantially improves the protective qualities of your energy body and immune system
- Regenerate and improve thymus function associated with protective properties of the body
- Purify tendencies in the body that diminish immunity and lymphatic function
- Improve your ability to “go with the flow” and to better align with your soul purpose and the Divine Plan
- Gain deeper understanding of the Body Map and use combinations to undo psychological patterns
Extra Special Kit:
Blue Tara
Virgin Mary
White Tara