Petitgrain 10ml

- Can be taken internally to help improve circulation
- Inhaled, topical, or in a salt bath to help deepen relaxation
- Great in a massage oil or lotion for the skin and the emotions
- Used as a general health tonic
- Gentle and safe enough to use with children
- Helps to strengthen the lower centers which impact overall health and muscular issues
- Diffused into an area for a stronger sense of well-being
- helpful in the treatment of anxiety
- One of the best remedies for confusion
- Reduces the effects of stress
- Great circulatory internal tonic when blended with bitter orange, lemon, and Helichrysum and taken daily
- Uplifting
- Useful as a soap for its toning effects
- Strengthens the body
SKIN: Toning, acne, greasy hair, greasy skin, excessive perspiration, regenerating to the hypodermis.IMMUNE: Strengthening to the thymus, anti-inflammatoryMUSCULAR: Toning to the fascia, antispasmodic, cramps (especially when mixed with Roman chamomile)CARDIOVASCULAR: Circulation (especially when blended with one of the following: Helichrysum, Rosemary Camphor, Vetiver)DIGESTIVE: Gas, difficult digestion, painful digestion, heartburn.NERVOUS SYSTEM: Stress related conditions, sedating, helps with the effects of stress, exhaustion, insomnia, recovery from illness or injury, calms central nervous system, toning to all systems, convalescence, helps to maintain balance, contributes to staying healthy, and generally helps to prevent disease (as a non specific tonic)PSYCHOLOGICAL: Anxiety, Stress, acceptance, confusion, sedating effect, upliftingENERGETIC: Strengthens the basic and sex chakra.SPIRITUALLY: Lightens the heart, fortifying to the body to support deeper meditations, helps to move gently to a deeper state of Onenes.
We bottle our oils to order.