combination of the strongest antiviral essential oils
Best used with sustained inhalation or taken internally with water
Relaxing and fortifying
Great for treating already existing conditions and for preventative practices
Strengthening and helps with improving the recovery process
Purifying to the nervous system
May help to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract
Cardiovascular tonic
Improves digestive function
Helps to tone the vagus nerve
Can be helpful in treating psychogenic pain (taken internally)
Calms the instinctive mind
Stimulates the intuitive mind
Strengthens the basic chakra
Made to be taken internally in water
Sustained inhalation can be used to treat flu like symptoms and for prevention
We bottle our oils to order.
Plant Prana Essential Oil Blends are unique combinations of two or more single oils. These blends have unique energetic purposes beyond the direct combination of the single oils. Depending on the purpose and method of application of the blend, it is sometimes possible to substitute an individual oil for a blend. Also know that the single oils cannot always be used as a replacement for a blend.
This is a Plant Prana Premium Blue Label product.
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