Marjoram Ointment 1oz

MARJORAM: We have so many good YouTube videos with even more Marjoram details. Check out all the Marjoram YouTube videos Here
- deeply relaxing, soothing, and healing
- One of the best antispasmodics in aromatherapy
- An incredible tonic for “rest and repair”
- Parasympathetic tonic, it does this by increasing the tone of the vagus nerve
- Strains, sprains, tension, cramps, spasms all are reduced by topically applying marjoram
- Great treatment for insomnia (sustained inhalation)
- Inhaled or applied topically it increases the transmutation of lower emotions and increases the potential for activating the heart (including the back heart)
- Salt baths with marjoram are soothing, relaxing, and reduce body tension
- Used extensively for its antispasmodic effect in pain syndromes
- Inhaled at night can be helpful for improving sleep
- Can be quieting to the mind, especially a detailed oriented mind
- Very useful in meditation practices involving sustained awareness
- Can help in the releasing of negativity in one’s life especially old memories
- Aches, pains, achy body (especially as a body tonic)
- Relaxing
- Toning
- Very helpful with spinal issues
- Tones the immune system
- Stress and stress related conditions
- Good for an upset stomach and other general digestive issues
- Reduces effects of stress on the body
Increases circulation to the skin, detoxifies the skin, ticks, chilblains.
Menstrual cramps, difficult or painful menstruation.
DIGESTIVE: upset stomach, diarrhea (caused by poor vagal tone), toning
(Can reduce trigger point activity in abdominal muscles that contribute to digestive issues)
Antiviral, antibacterial, anti fungal, toning
Coughs, bronchitis, antispasmodic, antiseptic
(One of the best oils for whooping cough)
Headaches, migraines, tension, stress-related conditions, insomnia, may help hypertension, may have a regulating effect on sensory nerve receptors, helps to reduce the state of “fight or flight”, improves vagal tone, tonic for parasympathetic nervous system
Cramps, sprains, strains, pulled muscles, muscle tension, trigger point activity, spasms (tension caused by non-voluntary motor nerve activity,) contracture (shortening of muscle with the absence of motor nerve activity, different from a spasm,) arthritis, lumbago, aches, pains, stiffness, rheumatism, applied to the spine it can help minimize effects of subluxations and may help the spine to self correct
PSYCHOLOGICAL: stress, transmutes lower emotions and stimulates higher emotions, grief, anxiety, helps to calm the lower mind (the critical mind which can be helpful to people who have detail oriented jobs and have a hard time letting go at the end of the day)
Calming, regulating to cycles and rhythms in the body, emotionally soothing, mentally cleansing, increases conductivity to the higher soul, calms the lower nature, helps the body to release lower vibrational energies
Increases communication with the soul, helps to disentangle from connections that pull you from the light, helps to facilitate emanations of the soul, increases your ability to project energy, helps with the cultivation of Divine Love
Greg has shared a lot about Marjoram Essential Oil.
Here are some the YouTube videos:
Gut Issues Resolved with Marjoram
Teeth Pain and Calf Pain; Marjoram Essential Oil
Gut Issues Resolved with Marjoram
Using Arthicare for Fatty Cyst on Hand or Marjoram
Marjoram and Cedar Pump from Lymphatic 3 Class
Low Back Radiating Pain: Marjoram
We bottle our oils to order.