The Mystical Approach to the Chakras 2.0
October 12 @ 9:00 am – October 13 @ 6:00 pm America/Pacific
The Mystical Approach to the Chakras 2.0
Sat Oct 12 9a-6p Pacific
Sun Oct 13 9a-6p Pacific
Online Essential Oils/Aromatherapy Class
Live Portland,OR and via Zoom
Mystical Approach to the Chakras:
Developing a deeper connection between the brain and energy body
- receive an Aromatherapy Kit containing all the chakra oils ($300+ value)
- One of the most powerful ways to develop the chakras
- Deepen the influence of the chakras on various parts of your body
- Elevate the integration of Divine Light to help stimulate the creative process
- Heighten aspects necessary for clairvoyance
- Open up the pathways between the chakras and the body’s processes
- Utilize chakra blends to accelerate the use for clinical healing in various health conditions
- Chakra blends applied to deeply soothe psychological difficulties
- Learn the properties of each chakra including the back chakras
- Use oils blended specifically for each chakra, back chakra, and the spine
- Develop stronger more proficient chakras and energy body
- Practice an integrated approach for chakral healing
- Recipe oriented to various conditions
- Investigate mystical practices with the chakral blends
- Take energy healing to the next level
- Establish foundation to begin the mixing of the chakras, various colored healers (mystical foundation class), and The Sandalphon Technique
- Amplifying work with angels, psychological healing, and materialization work
- Plus more
Essential Oil Blends that are included in your kit are:
Crown Chakra
Forehead Chakra
Side head Chakras (used in inner teachings for the mental permanent seed)
Back Head
Ajna Chakra
Throat Chakra
Back Throat Chakra
Jaw Minors Chakras
Heart Chakra
Back Heart Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Back Solar Plexus Chakra
Navel Chakra
Navel Minor Chakra
Spleen Chakra
Back Spleen Chakra
Meng Mein
Sex Chakra
Basic Chakra
Arnica Complex Ointment (contains Arnica extract and Arnica Essential Oil)
Golden Seal Tincture (Consecrated)
Receive aromatherapy gift kit worth $300+